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Giant-scale legal (80.5 span/29% scale) Easy-to-fly racer with smooth handling and precise control Factory painted lightweight fiberglass pilot figure included Two-piece plug-in wing and stabilizer Fiberglass cowl and wheel pants Removable top hatch Rear servo hatch Hangar 9 giant-scale hardware included Aluminum wing and stabilizer tubes Gas, glow or electric conversion
Overview Hangar 9’s giant-scale legal Sundowner Formula 1 80-inch ARF is a true sport performer with an aggressive racer fulselage design that makes it look like it’s traveling 100 mph even when it’s standing still. This sport performer looks great, down low on the deck. And then, experience a high-flying adrenaline rush as this spirited, agile racer streaks into a turn at high speed. Because of its smooth flight characteristics and precise sport handling, pilots will feel comfortable even at 120+ mph, making the Sundowner the perfect plane for entry-level giant-scale racing. Although the Sundowner is characterized as a racer because of its fiery body design, it is truly a sport aerobatic model geared for performance. The 1.80-size Sundowner ARF can be powered for performance using a variety of gas or glow engines, or converted to electric power for clean, no-fuss flying.
The two-piece plug-in wing and stab make transporting this giant-scale aircraft a more compact process. A removable top hatch provides admittance to the plane’s interior, and the servo hatch located at the rear of the plane provides access to the rudder and elevator servos. This ARF includes high-quality giant-scale hardware and aluminum wing tubes which provide extreme durability at low weight. Hangar 9 even outfits the Sundowner with a lightweight, painted pilot figure—complete with racing helmet.
Needed to Complete Recommended Setup–Gas/Glow • Evolution 26GT2 Gas Engine (EVOE26GT2), OR • Saito 180 AAC with Muffler (SAIE180 or SAIE180GK) • 14x12 – 16x8 Propeller • 3 ¼” Tru Turn Spinner (TRU3252) • 4-Channel Radio System • 6 JR Hi-Torque Servos (JRPS821 or JSP20071)
Recommended Setup–Electric • E-flite Power 160 BL Outrunner Motor (EFLM4160A) • Castle Creations 110A ESC (CSEPHX110HV) • 2 Thunder Power 4S or 5S Li-Po Battery Packs (THP38504SX or THP38505SX) • 17x12E APC Propeller (APC17012E) • 3 ¼” Tru Turn Spinner (TRU3252) • 4-Channel Radio System • 5 JR Hi-Torque Servos (JRPS821 or JSP20071)
Prezzo al pubblico : 490.00€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
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