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Information The U-16 is based on a submarine operated by the German Federal Navy. The sub features a real static diving system utilising a vertical movement motor which controls a flood tank. As the tank floods, the boat starts to sink under its own weight it surfaces using the same method. The result is that the model can hover (remain stationary) in the water. Excellent manoeuvrability isobtained by the stern thruster combined with the relatively short hull - the model is shorter than scale. The drive battery can be charged quickly and easily, as the switch socket doubles as the charge socket. The two red searchlights glow when the boat is running, making the model look truly realistic. As the submarine is so small, it can easily be operated in the bath or an aquarium. Pack contents Operating instructions in German, English and French. Factory-assembled and painted model submarine, ready to run, with drive battery installed radio control transmitter, battery charger and small items. RC functions Right / left steering Drive motors On / Off Fill / drain flood tank
Prezzo al pubblico : 36.50€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
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Mail: info@ingrossomodellismo.it
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