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Il Graupner E-traine 140 è un elegante ultra leggero modello trainer elettrico è stato progettato per essere il più legegro possibile. Costruito interamente in balsa e rinforzato in compensato nei punti più critici già completamente ricoperto di termoretraibile. Il modello viene fornito senza motore e necessita di un radiocomando 4ch.
The GRAUPNER E-Trainer 140 is an elegant, ultra-light electric-powered trainer model aircraft. The design was drawn up with particular emphasis on low all-up weight, and this is reflected in the model's performance and handling characteristics the E-Trainer 140's docile flying qualities mean that it is the ideal model for making the transition fromrudder / elevator aeroplanes to full-house control the aeroplane is also capable of simple aerobatics. The generous wing area and carefully selected airfoil give the model very good-natured and neutral flying characteristics. For easy taxi-ing on the ground to the take-off position a steerable nosewheel is fitted, coupled to the rudder. The model is built primarily from balsa wood, with plywood reinforcementsglued in place at particularly highly stressed areas. The two-part wings can be dismantled they can even be carried in saddlebags on a bicycle. The tailplane is attached by screws, so it can also be removed for transport. The fuselage, wing panels, tailplane and fin are ready-made and covered in multi-colour iron-on film. To complete the model little work is required it just involves gluing the finto the fuselage, attaching the tailplane, installing the motor mount and motor, fitting the undercarriage, and installing the receiving system and its linkages. A four-channel RC system is all that is required to fly the model.
Prezzo al pubblico : 153.00€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
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Mail: info@ingrossomodellismo.it
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