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Modello interamente in balsa e compensato completamente assemblato e ricoperto con termoretraibile. Il motore non è fornito nel Kit. The name KADETT already has a long history at GRAUPNER, and now we present a KADETT of built-up all-wood construction, supplied factory-built and film-covered. The translucent covering shows off the construction of the fuselage, wing and tail panels to good advantage. In the air the KADETT features a very broad speed range, and its slow flyingcharacteristics are so good that the machine makes a superb trainer for learning to fly and practising. Little work has to be carried out to complete the model: all you have to do is join the two wing panels, and glue the tail panels and the motor mount to the fuselage. Pre-cut apertures are provided for the servos. The GRP cowl and wheel spats are supplied already painted, and the kit includes a pre-formed aluminiumundercarriage unit Pack contents Assembly instructions in German, English and French, with stage photos ready-made, film-covered fuselage, wing and tail panels, GRP cowl, undercarriage, tailwheel unit, wheels, small items and linkage hardware pack. RC functions Rudder Elevator Ailerons Throttle
Prezzo al pubblico : 159.00€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
La vendita è riservata ai soli commercianti del settore
Mail: info@ingrossomodellismo.it
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webmaster : Massimo Marra