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build a tri-plane, code named DR-1. This plane was made legendary by the most famous fighting ace of the Great War, Baron Von Richthofen, who led Jagdeskader N° 1. He was nicknamed the Red Baron, because of the bright red fighter planes he flew. The Red Baron was extremely pleased with the Fokker Tri-plane. With this airplane, he managed to increase the amount of planes he shot down to 80, before being taken down himself.
This ARF balsa kit is pre-assembled and contains all the necessary parts and hardware. The wings are already pre-assembled and only need to be put in place. The Fokker DR-1 is a scale reproduction. The transparent cover gives a clear view at the balsa structure of the airplane. Only the R/C and Brushless motor need to be installed. The motor can be installed on a firewall. The Fokker DR-1 is available in two sizes. The smaller version is ideally suited for indoor flights, whereas the larger version is suited for outdoor, when there is little wind.
The “Classic” line consists of accurate scale reproductions of airplanes which had an important impact on aeronautic history. Most airplanes are available in two different sizes. The normal version for outdoor use on wind-free days and the smaller one mainly for indoor use. Some models are finished with a transparent covering film which allows a clear view of the balsa structure. Other models are covered in a non-transparent film reproducing the authentic colour schemes. These lightweight airplanes have very realistic flight characteristics. The ARF balsa kit is pre-assembled and contains all the necessary parts and hardware. Wings are already preassembled and just need to be installed to the fuselage. Only the radio control and motor need to be installed and depending of the version, the motor can either be installed on a firewall or a 10x10mm wooden stick
Prezzo al pubblico : 114.00€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
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