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EXTRA 330L .50 ROSSO 1430mm
The Extra-330L for .50-size motors is available in two stunning color schemes. 90% of the model is pre-finished at the factory - you can enjoy flying this beauty with the least building time, and of course, it flies as good as it looks! Featuring gorgeous pre-finished parts and complete hardware pack. Comes with optional EP motor mount – EP or Glow? Make your choice! Ready covered tailplane and rudder, unique color design to match with the fuselage and wings. Pre painted fiberglass fuselage. Internal construction is nice and neat. Available in two different color schemes, blue or red – both are bright and eye-catching. Bottom design with attractive color combination, you will never lose this plane from your sight! Light and strong aluminum wing joiner. Nicely finished fiberglass cowl, wheel pants and landing gear. The airplane comes with decals already applied under clear coating, The finish is nice and very durable.
Prezzo al pubblico : 219.00€
Big Models S.r.l. - Via Einaudi Luigi, 10 - 00043 Ciampino (RM)
Tel. 06 79320402 • Fax. 06 79320403 • P. IVA 04563861006
La vendita è riservata ai soli commercianti del settore
Mail: info@ingrossomodellismo.it
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webmaster : Massimo Marra