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Bellissima riproduzione in scala perfetta 1/24 del Tiger I radiocomandata con luci ed effetti sonori realistici. Il carro può essere utilizzato per combattimenti con altri carri della stessa marca perché dispone di un sistema ad infrarossi azionabile dal radiocomando.
Funzioni radio : - Marcia avanti ed indietro - Girare a destra o sinistra - Movimento Torretta - Movimento della canna - Sparare ad altri carri con effetto realistico del rinculo della canna
One of the most famous tanks during the 1940’s was the Tiger I tank. It has been involved in many different battles of that time. The development for this heavy tank started even before WWII and production started early 1941. The tank itself host the most technologically advanced equipment with emphasis on firepower and armor and was the most powerful and toughest tank in that era. As time passed, Tiger I experienced an evolution, going from initial version to the popular early and mid-production version to the late version.
Prezzo al pubblico : 149.00€
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