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ROSSA 1972
Edizione limitata 5544pz.
The name of Alfa Romeo has always been intrinsically tied to major successes in touring car racing. The different GTA versions of the Giulia Sprint GT launched in March 1963 also played a decisive role in these successes. The successor of the baroque Giulietta Sprint developed into a great sales success for Alfa Romeo right from the very start. Thanks to the GT and the Giulia sedan, in the mid-Sixties Alfa finally went from being a small specialist manufacturer to a major automobile producer. Two years after its introduction, Alfa presented the basic motor sport model of the Giulia Coupé, the GTA. Almost totally identical in its appearance, the car had to undergo several modifications under the hood. In order to save weight, the sheet-metal outer skin was replaced by aluminium, certain windows by perspex versions and steel rims by magnesium ones. By omitting insulating material and using bucket seats, the weight was reduced to a mere 745 kg. The engine, whose performance was increased to 115 HP by using dual ignition , had an easy job with the slimmed-down car.
Prezzo al pubblico : 38.50€
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