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The Bf 109 is one of best known Luftwaffe fighters of World War II, with a total production of over 33,000 in a wide variety of versions. In 1943, in response to the massive Allied bomber threat, the order was placed for a high-altitude fighter. The prototype 109 K-4 was made in October 1943. With the K series all the previous modifications to the G series were united in one aircraft giving an overall improvement to its flying capabilities. For the new DB-605 D with large loader and MG 131 a wider engine cowling without any protruberances was designed. The engine cowling is shown without any protruberances. One MK-108 was used as an engine-mounted cannon. The K-4 also had an aerodynamic fairing in order to improve performance. The plywood equipment panel was redesigned. To save on aluminium, some of the components were made of wood and sheet steel. In production all the machines were equipped with an MW-50. Up to April 1945 about 1700 of the K-4 were produced.
Model-details: - K-4 front section of fuselage - High tail wheel - Surface details, recessed panel lines - Detailed cockpit with instrument panel - Many internal details in cockpit - Pilot figure - Movable propeller - Detailed undercarriage - Upper engine cowling with 2 MG 131 barrels - Separate rudders and flaps - Separate slats - Sectional cockpit canopy with rear armouring - Decals for 2 Luftwaffe versions
Colors: 40 45 49 65 77 360
Prezzo al pubblico : 34.00€
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